
Thank you for the sickness

As I sat here contemplating the writing of the traditional "what am I thankful for this year" blog post, I found an item that surprised me. Foremost, of course, I am thankful for my renewed fellowship with God. Then, for new friends, new drive to do His will, continued employment, and so forth. As I went over my year, I considered my sickness last week, it not being muddled up like events further in the past. I realized that my sickness is like a crystal clear window into where I am now; being "squeezed" revealed what is essential and what is optional. Without such windows, it is easy to hide the truth from myself.

1 comment:

Jeff Reininger said...

I couldn't agree more! I heard you say this last Sunday upstairs, and I loved it...I THOUGHT I understood what you were saying. That is, until Katy got sick this week, 3 sleepless nights and a 5 hour stay in the ER...Then your words became clearer than ever! It's in times like those that you really find out where you are in your walk with God. I got stressed...but I also trusted him and was in constant conversation with God. That's what I am truely thankful for!